Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Ignore the beer cans and half bottle of wine... I took this picture because a few weeks ago I spotted Jim on the couch in front of all these machines. 3 iphones, 2 blackberries and 2 laptops (see that one on the floor?) Too bad this wasn't snapped after the ipad came (about 3 days later). We are now literally out numbered 4:1 with our electronics.


  1. What the...??? I assume each item has a work/personal use, but three of something? Wow. Awesome.

  2. Actually if we counted Jim's work laptops we would have a total of 4.
    Here's the break down:
    2 US iphones (personal-but then Jim's became mine here in Switzerland and I have yet to sell my old iphone)
    1 Swiss iphone (Jim personal)
    1 US blackberry (Jim work)
    1 Swiss Blackberry (Jim work)
    1 Macbook (mine)
    1 PC laptop (Jim's)
    not pictured ~~ Jim's swiss work laptop and his US work laptop
